Once again in Yokohama, head to Seiryo High School and go up to the faculty room. Watanabe and Sakurai release Akaike after questioning him. Once Yagami gets the suspect, he identifies himself as Akaike, who explains he and his friends were in the area looking for a place to hold a class reunion and just wanted to see the crime scene. However, he also notices someone watching them from a nearby bridge.

As their conversation comes to a close, Yagami agrees to talk to Ehara on their behalf. Watanabe then explains a bunch of new facts about the case, some of which are important later. Show Watanabe the "Photo of Hiro Mikioshiba." Watanabe offers to collaborate with Yagami, but he wants him to share information with him in exchange. Watanabe talks through the case with Yagami, expressing his frustration at being unable to question Akihiro Ehara, who knew about Mikoshiba's death before pretty much anyone else, due to red tape. After verifying Yagami's identity, they introduce themselves as Kisuke Watanabe and Sakurai. The two detectives Yagami saw enter Seiryo High School the previous day appear on the scene and handcuff him. Once Yagami gets close enough, a cutscene starts and puts him into search mode again. Jump down the hole in the center of the room to arrive at Mikoshiba's murder scene. Walk towards the window and enter the building.

Continue heading towards the window and drop down onto the grating in front of it. Near an air conditioner towards the end of the second pipe, Yagami can jump up the building. Shimmy across until the game prompts him to jump. Once Yagami is across and on a small platform, jump up to grab onto the pipe above him. Then, follow the walkway around and shimmy across the pipe. Heading up the ladder directly in front of Yagami yields a Toughness Z. RELATED: Enter the Matrix: The Franchise's Weirdest Video Game Mission, Revisited Once on the next platform, run across to swing on the bar. Follow the instructions on screen to get across the gap, then climb the air conditioners at the end of the walkway.

Lost judgment dating guide how to#
Lost Judgment then teaches players how to vault from iron bars and do a wall run to get across large gaps. Look directly behind Yagami, near the fence where he came in, to find air conditioners for him to climb. Now, Yagami is in the alley behind the building.